Information sources

Knowledge is power. With the internet, we are lucky to have a great amount of information available in a matter of a few clicks. However, there is also a lot of junk or even deceiving information in the internet as well. Here, I list a non-exhaustive collection of links that may lead you to the light side of the force. 💡


AgĂȘncia PĂșblica | Current Affairs | Democracy Now | El PaĂ­s | Gapminder | Hacker News | Jacobin | MĂ­dia Ninja | Outras Palavras | Pessimist Archive | Revista PiauĂ­ | The Guardian | The Intercept | The Groundtruth Project | WikiLeaks |

Podcasts & Radio

A Terra Ă© Redonda (Revista PiauĂ­) | Foro de Teresina (Revista PiauĂ­) | Radio Dreyeckland, Pulsar Brasil & Kooperation Brasilien | Retrato Narrado (Spotify) | RĂĄdio Novelo | Radio FM4 |


edurational | National Geographic | New Scientist | ScienceDaily | The Fair Journal | The scientific paper is obsolete |

Scientific institutes

Agroscope | Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt fĂŒr Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL) | European Commission Science Hub | European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) | Human Rights Data Analysis Group | Max Planck Society | Research Institutes of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) | SciLifeLab Sweden | Software Sustainability Institute | Swiss Bioinformatics Institute (SIB) | Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) | Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EWAG) |

Non-Profits & Co

amnesty international | biovision | EuroNatur | Gapminder | greenpeace | helvetas | international science council | Jacobs foundation | KoBra - Kooperation Brasilien | Nouvelle PlanĂšte | pro natura | Public Eye | small arms survey | Top Non Profits | Trauma Treatment International | vivo international | Wyss foundation |

People and blogs

Irizarry lab | Just Enough R | R graph gallery | R companion | R for applied epidemiology and public health | Simply Statistics |

Job portals

academics | Diversity in Research Jobs (Wiley & Sons Inc.) | EURAXESS | German Life Science Association (VBIO) | Green jobs | Nature careers | UNjobs |

Data meetings

useR! (world) | The Joint Statistical Meetings in North America (JSM) | PyCon | STRATA Data Conference | European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) | BarCamps | World Cafés | hackathons | OpenCon | Reprohack

DA/DS learning

class central | codeacademy | coursera | datacamp | envatotuts+ | EDX | Hackerrank | Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization | Harvard | ex1 ★| ex2 ★| ex3 ★| Jumping Rivers | KDnuggets | ex1 ★| Khan Academy | MIT Opencourseware | NovoEd | Open Education Database | Teach yourself CS ★| Thompson Rivers Univ. | Transmitting science | udacity | udemy |


How to Build a Small Solar Power System |