My collaborations

List of current or previous collaborations. 🤝

BESTbelt (2023)

The European Green Belt is the largest ecological network in Europe comprising over 20 countries and more than a thousand ecological important areas, such as NATURA 2000 sites, mountain ranges and significant ecossystems uniting European countries in what before was known as the Iron Curtain dividing West and East after world war. BESTbelt is a project lead by EuroNatur in which I had the oportunity to be part of and be close to several projects ranging from Finland to Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey in the Balkans.

Multiomics analysis (2021)

For the investigation of genetic (PsychArray) and epigenetic (EPIC, Illumina Inc.) data produced in a randomized clinical trial in DR Congo, I have been collaborating with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), namely with Prof. Cynthia Cardoso and Prof. Frederico Henning. Dr. Átila Duque Rossi will take part in bioinformatic data analysis of genetic data.

R community (2021)

In 2021, I have started supporting the Latin American R community (LatinR). I am a great enthusiast of free software, and the main example for this in my day-to-day experience is the R software. I have helped the organization of LatinR 2021, and gave a tutorial. I plan to further support and participate in the activities of LatinR in the years to come.

life with corona (2020)

Life with corona is an online global survey led by Prof. Brück (ISDC/IGZ), which aims to gather data on the present corona pandemic worldwide. It consists of multiple data collection waves and several insights should come out of this initiative. Our research group is collaborating in the implementation of the Brazilian version of this survey.
life with corona survey

NET Brasil (2018)

Provision of Narrative Exposure Therapy within the public health system. It started as a pilot project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The plan is to build capacity and scale-up the provision of evidence-based psychotherapy for victims of urban violence who currently visit public clinics in Rio. Violence and trauma-related mental disorders is one of the main problems that we want to tackle.
NET Brasil

coronabr R package (2020)

Transparency and scientific accuracy regarding the spread of corona worldwide is urgent, particularly in Brazil. This is an R package developed to download, visualize and analyze data concerning corona cases which are reported by official authorities.
coronarbr package

Youth at risk report (2019)

Participation in a global report on risk factors for violence in youth worldwide financed by the World Bank.